Fatal Drunk Driving Car Accident In Grand Prairie

Taja Daweese of Arlington, TX is facing intoxication Manslaughter and Intoxication Assault charges after a late night car accident on Interstate 20 in Grand Prairie, TX. Initial investigations indicate that Ms. Daweese was traveling westbound when she lost control of her car and struck a crash barrier, disabling the car in the main lanes of traffic. As Ms. Daweese and her passenger, Michael Garza, escaped the wrecked car, it was struck by an SUV. The crash caused the wrecked car to strike and kill Mr. Garza. The driver of the SUV also sustained serious injuries in the car wreck. Ms. Daweese was arrested at the scene of the accident because it was determined that she was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Despite the efforts of MAAD and other groups, drunk driving continues to be a problem on our highways. This is another example of a traffic death that could have been avoided. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a drunk driver, call the car wreck attorneys at Wilson Trosclair & Lovins today at 214-484-1930.